Amanda Davies
I’ve worked as a teacher, teacher trainer, academic manager, materials developer, author and editor in the UK, Russia, Spain, Poland, and Lebanon. I specialise in Young Learners and am particularly interested in Young Learner teacher professional development. I am also the Publications Editor for IATEFL’s YLTSIG. And I am a CELTA Tutor and the Main Course Tutor for the online course Teach kids for YLE tests at Lang, Warsaw.
#adults, #young learners, #teenagers, #General English, #English for exams, #teaching groups, #blogger, #CELTA Tutor, #seasoned teacher, #Director of Studies, #teacher trainer, #fan of lexis, #English, #online course tutor, #Teach kids for YLE tests
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: climbing, hiking.

Sandy Millin
All over the world, all kinds of people, would do it all over again.
#teacher, #adults, #young learners, #teenagers, #General English, #English for exams, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #blogger, #CELTA Tutor, #CELTA graduate, #seasoned teacher, #Director of Studies, #teacher trainer, #tech-savvy, #English, #CELTA at Lang
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: learn languages and watch films.
Twitter: @sandymillin

Gosia Kwiatkowska
Moving between countries and teaching contexts.
#teacher, #adults, #teenagers, #General English, #English for exams, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #freelance teacher, #blogger, #CELTA graduate, #seasoned teacher, #teaching online, #tech-savvy, #English
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: Netflix and books.
Twitter @LessonPlansDig

Gosia Mróz
I keep changing as a teacher – from unplugged to tech-savvy, from a chatterbox to a silent observer, from a coursebook lover to authentic materials hunter.
#teacher, #adults, #young learners, #teenagers, #General English, #English for exams, #In-company courses, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #freelance teacher, #CELTA graduate, #teacher trainer, #grammar monkey, #fan of lexis, #CLIL, #teaching online, #tech-savvy, #teaching unplugged, #English
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: I turn off my phone for a month in the summer and spend this time hiking and camping somewhere in the East. When in Warsaw, I attend jam sessions with my friends.

Daria Domagała
Left the firm ground (traditional courses based on coursebooks) and chose to go off the beaten track and explore online teaching, create my own lesson plans and reach for things which aren’t primarily designed for a language classroom: talks, videos, photography, games, social campaigns…
#teacher, #adults, #General English, #Business English, #In-company courses, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #freelance teacher, #blogger, #Director of Studies, #teacher trainer, #teaching online, #English, #German
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: cycling, playing Carcassone.

Marta Godlewska
I’ve taught in poor village schools in Georgia and in Chinese classrooms, packed with the newest tech gadgets. Other unusual settings for my English lessons included Chinese shopping malls as well as wedding and funeral parties in Georgia.
#teacher, #adults, #General English, #teaching groups, #CELTA graduate, #fan of lexis
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: pet alpacas, read books.

Milena Jastrzębska
I motivate my students by giving them responsibility for their learning.
#educator, #adults, #blogger, #teacher trainer, #school owner, #tech-savvy, #productivitymaster
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: plan my week and dance zouk.

Monika Izbaner
What makes me stand out? I guess a great curiosity of the world and a quest for novelty with an element of surprise.
#teacher, #adults, #young learners, #teenagers, #General English, #English for exams, #Business English, #In-company courses, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #Director of Studies, #teacher trainer, #school owner, #fan of lexis, #tech-savvy, #teaching unplugged, #English
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: taking part in conferences and Erasmus programmes abroad where I learn new things, meet new people from all over the world and talk about their unique teaching perspective.

Hania Zięba
Passionate about changes and challenges. I love teaching and being taught by others.
#teacher, #adults, #General English, #Business English, #In-company courses, #teaching one-to-one, #freelance teacher, #teacher trainer, #ESP, #CLIL, #teaching university students
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: long runs, slow meals.

Dorota Sobczyńska
I’ve come a long way from a Korean company manager to an active and engaged English teacher, passionate about CLIL – my daily challenge.
#teacher, #young learners, #teenagers, #General English, #English for exams, #teaching groups, #CLIL, #English
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: sports, books.

Ewa Turowska
Kindness makes the world go around. I truly believe that being able to put yourself in someone’s shoes and see things from their perspective makes all the difference. That is why I try to understand my students and use this knowledge to make the right decisions.
#teacher, #young learners, #teenagers, #General English, #English for exams, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #teacher trainer, #CLIL, #English
Things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: time with my family and friends, books, long walks.

Agnieszka Anioła
As an empathic teacher who fosters a strong bond with students, I love making games part of my classroom and constantly work on developing my teaching skills.
#adults, #young learners, #teenagers, #General English, #English for exams, #Business English, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #seasoned teacher, #grammar monkey, #fan of lexis, #English
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: playing board games and watching Star Trek.

Renata Dobrowolska
15 years of teaching in the same school and I’ve never found it monotonous – I love designing lessons, stirring and settling, warming and cooling, I like novelties but I’m also skeptical about “miracle” teaching techniques, believing that learning isn’t (and really needn’t be) always fun.
#teacher #young learners, #teenagers, #General English, #teaching groups, #seasoned teacher, #teacher trainer, #CLIL, #teaching unplugged, #English
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: walking-no-talking, playing with my little daughter who is all in “here and now” and drags me onto this alien planet too, stopping the buzz in my busy mind.

Anna Lorenz
I’ve been there, I’ve done that, I see right through your funky hat ;P 13 years of teaching through movement, rhymes, clapping games and other crazy methods. My ups and downs made me reach the panacea in teaching.
#teacher, #adults, #young learners, #teenagers, #General English, #English for exams, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #teacher trainer, #school owner, #English, #teaching with a brain in mind
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: travel, talk to inspiring people.
Ela Kozioł
Started as a teacher, became a DOS, now achieved the balance that I love: teaching, working in an office, meeting customers, writing articles, being an examiner and a teacher trainer.
#teacher, #author, #adults, #General English, #English for exams, #Business English, #In-company courses, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #freelance teacher, #Director of Studies, #teacher trainer, #English
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: reading and sightseeing, preferably in an exotic location.

Hanna Wąż
A brain-friendly teaching enthusiast, I have been conducting research on learner-based teaching and teaching English to adults through speaking for 17 years now.
#teacher, #adults, #teenagers, #General English, #English for exams, #Business English, #In-company courses, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #blogger, #teacher trainer, #school owner, #ESP, #teaching online, #tech-savvy, #English, #speaking trainer
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: paint and read.

Ewa Grzelak
I started as a teacher of my native language to foreigners. After a couple of years, I became a teacher of my non-native language. A refreshing combo. I’ve been teaching people of various needs, ages and backgrounds for nearly 15 years, and still there are many spots in my comfort zone that want to be stretched.
#teacher, #adults, #General English, #In-company courses, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #freelance teacher, #blogger, #seasoned teacher, #grammar monkey, #teaching unplugged, #English, #Polish
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: man-trailing training with my dogs; baking – currently working on different types of icing.

Mateusz Jakubczyk
I changed my teaching style from xerox-copy-based into speaking-and-tech-based in a year.
#teacher, #adults, #young learners, #teenagers, #General English, #teaching groups, #teacher trainer, #tech-savvy, #English
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: they are not really things but family, friends and weekends 😉

Monika Kalbara
I never intended to be a teacher, I was somehow convinced that I wasn’t cut out to be one, but 12 years on and I definitely see myself in a classroom. One thing is for sure – I will keep teaching.
#teacher, #adults, #teenagers, #teaching groups, #teacher trainer, #CLIL, #teaching online, #Spanish
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: spend time with my family, read.

Weronika Zykubek
A newbie in ELT and a fresh CELTA graduate – open to new techniques and ideas, eager to learn more and more.
#adults, #teenagers, #General English, #teaching one-to-one, #freelance teacher, #CELTA graduate, #teaching newbie, #grammar monkey, #tech-savvy, #English, #Spanish, #Italian
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: I cook with my friends – we love spending time together in the kitchen, and I paint (but it’s a secret!!! …shhh…).

Joanna Łucka
A firm believer in authenticity and diversity in teaching, I want to keep my students involved and keep their minds busy.
#teacher, #helicopterteacher, #adults, #General English, #teaching groups, #freelance teacher, #blogger, #seasoned teacher, #Director of Studies, #teacher trainer, #tech-savvy, #teaching unplugged, #English, #German
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: watching TV series and taking a walk along the beach in Świnoujście.

Gosia Warmińska-Marczak
I’ve been teaching for 25 years (hard to believe!) and gradually I have learnt that what matters is not materials, equipment, and the number of exercises but the quality of what we do and quality time that we spend with our students.
#teacher, #adults, #teenagers, #General English, #English for exams, #Business English, #teaching groups, #teaching one-to-one, #freelance teacher, #English
Two things I do to chill out & recharge my batteries: making things of clay and taking photos.